How to change the IP address?
We will explain step by step how to change your IP to be able to browse safely and anonymously on the Internet.
The Internet is like a great highway and to "drive" on it, we must get on the road equipped with a computer, tablet, smartphone... with a license plate. This "license plate" is what is known as IP address and for many and several reasons, but mainly for security and/or privacy reasons, we may be interested in changing it.
What is my IP?
In order not to put the cart before the horse the first thing we must do to know how to change the IP of the computer is to find out what the IP of our connection is and verify that the change has been made correctly at the end of the process.
Finding out what your IP is is as simple as visiting Cuál es mi IP (What is my IP). By accessing the page, without the need to download or run any program, our tool will automatically display your IP address data on the screen.
This address is also useful to know if you want, for example, to configure online services such as servers, FTP, games, ... and it consists of a numerical combination. This address is unique and public and is the one that identifies us on the Internet to the websites we visit and other users. Nobody can browse the net without an IP address.
The IP is assigned to us by our Internet Service Provider (ISP) and as this address is exposed on the network it is known as public IP, as opposed to the private IP of our local network, which only we can know.
What is my public IP and what is my private IP? How important are they to change my IP?
Our computer or any other device connected to the Internet has two IP addresses, a public IP address, and a private IP address.
The public IP, as we have seen, is the one that identifies us to be able to surf the Internet (imagine driving on a highway without a license plate... we would be stopped and banned from driving!) This public IP is linked to our connection and, therefore, all devices connected to the same router have the same public IP.
On the other hand, the private IP is the one that individually identifies each device in our private or home network.
In this local network, each computer has a private IP address that serves to differentiate it from the rest of the computers and devices connected to the router. In this way, any request for data that comes from or is sent to a device is identified by the router so that it collects or sends the corresponding data to that device.
So, which IP address should I change?
Private IPs are not accessible from the Internet, while public IPs are and allow us to track our location, data, and Internet activity, including the pages we have visited or the time we have spent on each of them.
So, to improve our security and privacy on the Internet, we can change the public IP, or if we prefer, hide our IP.
Doing so is not complicated and now we will explain how to change the IP, but first, you must make sure if your IP address is a dynamic IP or a static one, as it depends on it that you can manage to change the IP on your own or require the intervention of your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
How do I check if my IP is dynamic or static before changing it?
IP addresses can be static or dynamic. In both cases, these addresses are assigned by our Internet provider and the difference between them is that in the case of the static IP, IP addresses can be static or dynamic. In both cases, these addresses are assigned by our Internet provider and the difference between one address and the other is that in the case of the static IP, the address assigned is permanent for a device or router, while the dynamic IP changes every time that device or router connects to the Internet.
Usually, the IP address is dynamic, but you can check it through our free tool to find out what is your IP address on our website. Remember that you do not need to download any program or run any application. Simply access and the home page will show your IP address, indicating whether it is a static or dynamic one.
If it is a static IP address, you will have to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and request the change or use a VPN service as we will explain below. But if it is a dynamic IP address, the change is easy and you have several alternatives for doing so.
How do I change my public IP?
The easiest way to change the IP address if it is a dynamic one is to turn the router off and on again. This will change the public IP and when you browse again you will do it with a different IP address than the one you had before turning it off. The tricky part of the situation is that the new address, like the previous one, will continue to be exposed on the network and if you want to change it again you will have to turn the router off and on each time.
However, it may happen that despite doing so, this does not work and the IP address does not change. This happens because in certain circumstances Internet Service Providers (ISP) establish a certain period before which IP addresses cannot be changed.
How to change my IP with a VPN?
If you are looking for a solution that does not force you to be aware of turning your router on or off and that also offers a permanent solution that contributes to your online security and privacy, VPNs are already the most effective solution for changing your IP.
VPNs are services designed to hide the IP address, whether you connect with a static IP address or a dynamic one, using that of an intermediate server, in such a way that the IP address is masked, appearing to the public as a different IP permanently.
As this new Public IP belongs to the VPN server, none of our data is exposed and whoever traces the address will only reach that server, without being able to access any data about our connection, navigation, and identity on the network.
VPN vs Proxy
Proxy servers act in a similar way, although VPNs have the added advantage that they encrypt all data from the beginning to the end of the communication so that the impossibility of tracing data is 100% guaranteed.
Proxy servers do not have this function and therefore your connection may still be susceptible to falling prey to cybercriminals. In addition, most proxy servers, unlike VPNs, must be configured manually and even, in some cases, individually in each browser.
How do I know if my IP has been changed?
And now that you know how to change the IP, you can test and check whether it went well by comparing your new IP address with the one you had before. If everything went well, you will see that the numbering is different and therefore your IP has been changed.